Portledge in the Now.

Day of Silence, April 12th, 2024

It is with a spirit of inclusion and commitment to honoring our diverse community that Portledge Upper School acknowledges the upcoming National Day of Silence on Friday, April 12th.
Since the mid-90s, students across the country have observed this day by taking a Vow of Silence in commemoration of the many LGBTQ+ youth who have had their voices silenced by bullying and harassment. For seven years, Portledge Upper School students have joined in this tradition by either taking the Vow of Silence themselves or by helping and showing allyship with their silent peers, with participation growing each year. Though this has always been a student-led day of reflection and demonstration, a few members of our caring and supportive faculty have begun to join our students in taking the Vow, carefully crafting lessons that work without spoken instruction for the day. Based on students' testimony, it has been powerful and reassuring for them to see the adults on campus following their example and crafting lessons that work creatively to accommodate both speaking students and those who have taken the Vow of Silence.
This year, in an effort to continue encouraging this positive growth in our observance of the Day of Silence, we plan to provide additional instructional support to those Upper School faculty members who choose to take the Vow on April 12th. Just as our speaking students often decide to pair up with silent classmates in order to help them communicate on this day, we have a team of dynamic, generous faculty and staff who will aid our silent faculty by working on Friday's lessons with them and providing any spoken instruction for the day. Once again, we can improve our mode of participation in this solemn, important day by following the students' beautiful examples of cooperation and allyship. With two educators present, the quality of instruction in these classrooms will be just as strong as ever, if not even stronger. We are excited to implement this plan to show our unity in supporting our LGTBQ+ community, ensure a day of innovative, quality education, and model collaborative, working allyship.
As a final, clarifying note, taking the Vow of Silence is an optional, individual choice, and electing not to take the Vow is not considered an unsupportive act. The majority of our educators do not plan to take the Vow. Students and faculty alike are welcome to observe the day as they see fit. This could mean taking the Vow of Silence all day, or taking it socially while still speaking in class. But it can also mean a number of things outside of taking the Vow, such as acknowledging the LGTBQ+ individuals that the day is meant to honor, wearing rainbow clothing, stickers, or pins, or - as discussed above - providing help and allyship to those who are symbolically silent. We hope that our approach to the Day of Silence this year creates a valuable example of how individuals may choose different ways to support a given concept or community while still working together in that demonstration of support.
If you would like additional information about the Day of Silence and/or how it will be observed at Portledge, please contact Traci Douglas, Director of DEI, or Laura Paik, English Teacher and SAGA Club Advisor.
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