Where Excellence Meets Community: Welcome to the Portledge Family!

Your New Journey Starts Here

A warm welcome to Portledge School!

The start of any new venture is always filled with a mix of emotions - even more so for our children. As a family, you have already taken your first steps into our community and we look forward to helping you navigate the often fraught first few weeks of a new school environment. 

On this page, you will find some general links that will, hopefully, help answer any questions that you may have regarding the start of your journey here at Portledge School. 

We are always here to help, whether it be the Admissions Office, the Division Directors, your child's advisor/homeroom teacher, or myself. Do not hesitate to email or call with any questions you may have.

Simon Owen-Williams
Head of School

Summer Emails

List of 20 frequently asked questions.

  • College Counseling: Class of 2026 Summer Letter

    Dear Students & Families of the Class of 2026,
    Hello and happy summer! Junior year tends to fly by, and soon it will be your turn to begin the college process. So, let's run through a list of things to do and think about in the coming months: 
    Make sure you are prepared to succeed this year. Reflect on your 9th and 10th grade experience. Have you accomplished the goals you set for yourself? Have you found a good balance of challenge and success? Consider these questions carefully, review your course registration for 11th grade, and then decide what changes (if any) you might want to make. Your Dean is an excellent resource for this reflective conversation.
    The most important factor in college admissions is your transcript. Colleges will carefully review your academic performance and how you have challenged yourself. They will assess your strengths and weaknesses and your likelihood to succeed in their classrooms. Think about what you want to accomplish academically in 11th grade. Write down a few goals for yourself and specific strategies you will employ to make those goals a reality. If you would like input on your schedule or goals or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact your Dean. 
    Think about your extracurricular activities and what your depth of involvement says about you. Colleges seek active school citizens who will make their campuses vibrant places to live and learn. They will look carefully at your extracurricular profile, so make sure that your activities, in and out of school, reflect your interests and personality! If you haven't yet been involved in much, this is the year to find something and commit to it. Colleges aren't looking for a long laundry list of activities or for you to check off a list of categories. Instead, focus on consistent, sustained, and deep commitment in a few areas that matter to you.
    • We encourage you to think creatively about the ways you spend your time. In addition to the many opportunities available at Portledge, there are plenty of ways to explore and discover hobbies and interests, whether online or independently. Also, don’t overlook family responsibilities, even if they might seem minor or insignificant to you.
    • Colleges expect students to be engaged and to use their time productively, so think of the start of this year as an opportunity to discover or rediscover interests, hobbies, and experiences. 
    • If you have any questions about extracurricular activities, please don’t hesitate to contact your Dean.
    Know the standardized testing calendar and think about your plan to prepare for these important exams. Most students will take the SAT or ACT for the first time during junior year. Start looking at the upcoming test dates and think about when you might be ready and the best way for you to prepare. You can always contact the College Counseling Office if you need help establishing a plan.
    • You may have heard about many schools adopting test-optional policies in recent years. Some colleges have made this practice permanent, but many schools have reverted to requiring or preferring testing, so it is important to consider how standardized tests may play a role in your individual college process. There is no one right answer for all students in this area.
    • As a reminder, juniors will take the PSAT at Portledge on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The best preparation for the PSAT is a good night's sleep and a great breakfast. The PreACT will also be offered on Saturday, November 16, 2024. 
    Reserve school breaks in the spring for college visits. Strongly consider visiting colleges during spring break (March 22 - April 6, 2025). Understanding the campus environment, community, and culture at your intended choices will have a significant impact on your college experience. It will generally improve the quality of your applications as well. For many students, an in-person visit often remains the preferred option. Alternatively, most colleges offer high-quality virtual programming for prospective students. 
    College Night and College Counseling Class for Juniors. College Night for juniors will occur at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, and attendance is mandatory. At that time, we will kick off and explain the Portledge College Counseling process. The College Counseling Class for juniors will begin in the spring semester of the 2024-2025 school year.
    Like any other transition, the college process can sometimes feel challenging, but we encourage you to focus on the exciting possibilities and choices ahead. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Dean directly.
    Karen M. CrowleyShoshana Krieger-JovenJan Groden
    Director of
    College Counseling
    Assistant Director of
    College Counseling
    Traci DouglasRobert J. LibertoEden White
    Upper School DeanUpper School DeanUpper School Dean
  • College Counseling: Class of 2027 Summer Letter

    Dear Students and Families of the Class of 2027,
    Hello and happy summer! 

    While most of the logistics of applying to college begin in the 11th and 12th grades, college counseling at Portledge will start for you in the second half of this year. The Upper School Deans and College Counseling Office are excited to assist and will meet with you regularly to discuss short and long-term goals. In 10th grade, we aim to introduce you to various colleges and universities. Below are a few things to consider as you head into 10th grade, and a few more details about what we have planned for you this year:

    Self-Evaluation: This is an excellent opportunity to reflect on your first year of high school. Assess your academic performance, social adjustment, and involvement in (and outside of) the school community. Consider what you hope to achieve in high school and identify a few goals for sophomore year. Remember, these goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, and time-bound. If you want help identifying and clarifying some goals, contact your Dean. 
    PSAT and other Standardized Testing Considerations: We strongly encourage you to register for the PSAT at Portledge on Wednesday, October 9th. We are also offering the PreACT on Saturday, November 16th. We do not recommend any specific prep for the PSAT or PreACT beyond a good night's sleep and a great breakfast that morning. 

    Get Involved: Colleges are not just seeking strong students but active school citizens who will make their campuses vibrant places to live and learn. They will look carefully at your extracurricular profile, so make sure your activities, in and out of school, reflect your interests and personality! Don’t worry about building a long laundry list of activities or checking off a list of certain categories. Instead, focus on consistent, sustained, and deep commitment in a few areas that matter to you.
    • We encourage you to think creatively about the ways you spend your time. In addition to the many opportunities available at Portledge, there are plenty of ways to explore and discover hobbies and interests, whether online or independently. Also, don’t overlook family responsibilities, even if they might seem minor or insignificant to you.
    • Colleges expect students to be engaged and to use their time productively, so think of high school as an opportunity to discover or rediscover interests, hobbies, and experiences. 
    • If you have any questions about extracurricular activities, please don’t hesitate to contact your Dean.
    10th Grade College Night: On February 11, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., we will host several admissions representatives who will introduce you to a few different types of colleges and universities via a Zoom meeting. They will discuss not just their individual institutions but also the type of experience their college represents. In addition, we will review the curricular options at Portledge and discuss some of the basics of the college application process.

    10th Grade College Trip: Portledge will organize a one-day class trip on March 21, 2025, where students will visit two contrasting college campuses. We will meet with the grade in advance to discuss how to make a good impression and the kind of research and questions you should prepare for the trip. In previous years, this has been a great opportunity for students to get to know the Portledge college counselors, as well as a fun bonding experience for the grade. The trip will run based on the availability of large group visits on college campuses at that time; a specific communication with dates, cost, and more information regarding this trip will follow in the winter.

    Of course, the College Counseling Office’s top priority right now is helping the seniors complete and file their college applications, but the Deans look forward to getting to know you as soon as school starts. Stop by with questions or just to say hello. 
    With best wishes for a terrific school year,

    Karen M. CrowleyShoshana Krieger-Joven
    Director of College CounselingAssistant Director of College Counseling

    Traci Douglas

    Robert J. Liberto

    Eden White
    Upper School DeanUpper School DeanUpper School Dean
  • College Counseling: Class of 2028 Summer Letter

    Dear Students & Families of the Class of 2028,
    Hello and welcome to Portledge Upper School! While most of the logistics of applying to college begin in 11th and 12th grades, the Upper School Deans and College Counseling Office are happy to assist at any point during a student's Portledge career. All students will meet regularly with their Dean to discuss short and long-term goals, and parents can always email or call us with any questions. Below are a few areas to consider as you head into 9th grade:
    Identify Your Goals: What do you want to accomplish as a student, athlete, artist, musician, leader, writer, or general school citizen? Write down a few specific objectives for yourself. Specify two or three concrete action items and strategies you will employ to make those goals a reality. You can reach out to our office or speak with your advisor or Dean if you need help with this.
    Standardized Testing: Standardized testing does not generally come into play this year, but as a preview, in the spring, you will take the PSAT and have the opportunity to take the preACT. More information on this will come as we approach the second half of the school year!
    Get Involved: Colleges are not just seeking strong students, but active school citizens who will make their campuses vibrant places to live and learn. They will look carefully at your extracurricular profile, so make sure your activities in and out of school reflect your interests and personality! Don’t worry about building a long laundry list of activities or checking off a list of categories. Instead, focus on consistent, sustained, and deep commitment in a few areas that matter to you. 
    • We encourage you to think creatively about the ways you spend your time. In addition to the many opportunities available at Portledge, there are plenty of ways to explore and discover hobbies and interests, whether online or independently. Also, don’t overlook family responsibilities, even if they might seem minor or insignificant to you.
    • Colleges expect students to be engaged and to use their time productively, so think of the start of high school as an opportunity to discover or rediscover interests, hobbies, and experiences. 
    • If you have any questions about extracurricular activities, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.
    College Night: College Night for 9th grade will be at 6:30 p.m. on January 28, 2025. We will provide an overview of the college admissions process and how to approach it. Additional topics will include how colleges evaluate applications, curricular choices and opportunities at Portledge, the standardized testing calendar, and the four-year College Counseling timeline. 
    Of course, the College Counseling Office’s top priority right now is helping the seniors complete and file their college applications, but the Deans look forward to getting to know you as soon as school starts. Stop by with questions or just to say hello. 
    With best wishes for a terrific school year,

    Karen M. CrowleyShoshana Krieger-Joven
    Director of College CounselingAssistant Director of College Counseling

    Traci Douglas

    Robert J. Liberto

    Eden White
    Upper School DeanUpper School DeanUpper School Dean
  • 1st Grade Invite to Opening Convocation 2024

    Dear 1st-Grade Parents,
    We are excited to invite you to our Opening Day Convocation and Portledge Pillars Ceremony on Tuesday, September 3rd, the first day of school, at 1:45 p.m.
    During the convocation, all first-grade students will participate in the Pillars Ceremony, where select members of the senior class of 2025 will honor the Portledge journey of our new first graders by presenting them with a Portledge pin, which they will hopefully wear at the Fifth-Grade Moving Up Ceremony and beyond. This is a cherished Portledge tradition and we would be honored for you to attend, as your child is an important part of the convocation.
    Please make sure your child is dressed in the proper dress code which can be found linked here. The ceremony will begin at 1:45 p.m. and should last approximately 45 minutes. If you wish to attend, please respond to this email by Thursday, August 29th, with the number of people attending, and seats will be reserved. We ask that you park at the Lower School and walk to the Wellington Gym. The event will take place behind the gym.
    Thank you and we look forward to a wonderful start to the 2024-2025 school year.
    Lauren Domaradzki
    Assistant Director of Lower School
  • Community Partnership Experience: Information for 2024-2025

    Key Takeaways from this email:
    • The Community Partnership Experience (CPE) is an amazing opportunity to combine meaningful and purposeful community partnership experiences with our academic curriculum. Our goal is to have our students support various organizations in need while building character and promoting a strong connection between academic studies and real-life experience.

    • Past trips have included ELIJA Farm in Huntington Station, Coffin Woods Nature Preserve, the AHRC organization, Habitat for Humanity, and the Glen Cove Senior Center.

    • Students are required to attend the service trips organized by Portledge.

    • This year, our 9th graders will be traveling on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The 10th, 11th, and 12th graders will be traveling on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Parent/Student Contracts and any required Permission Slips will be available in the Forms tab in myPortledge closer to the dates of travel. Upon completion of the service trip, students will be expected to complete and turn in Reflection Form 1.

    • Students are welcome and encouraged to exceed the service requirement and may do so at organizations that have been approved by the CPE coordinator. Upon completion of the service, students should communicate with the CPE Coordinator for approval and then must thoroughly fill out Reflection Form 2.

    • Summer hours are not guaranteed, though volunteering over the summer is always encouraged.

    • All forms must be submitted and approved by Tuesday, May 6, 2025, to earn credit for CPE hours.

    • The CPE Resources can be found in myPortledge by going to Resources and clicking on Upper School Resources.
    Community Partnership Experience
    Mandatory CPE Trip and Requirements for the 2024-2025 School Year
    Portledge students will continue to be provided with an amazing opportunity to combine meaningful and purposeful community partnership experiences with their academic curriculum. Our goal is to have our students support various organizations in need, while building character and promoting a strong connection between academic studies and real-life experience. 
    This past school year, our 9th graders went to ELIJA Farm in Huntington Station to assist with various tasks, including transplanting, crimping down rye, mulching pathways, weeding, and raking. They also learned about the farm’s work to support individuals with Autism, and how individuals with Autism transition into adulthood. Our 10th graders walked to our very own Coffin Woods Nature Preserve. They learned about the origins and history of the North Shore Wildlife Sanctuary and helped inventory plants and animals, remove invasive species, clean up and mulch the trails, and install new plants. Our newest partnership, the AHRC organization, hosted our 11th graders this year. Our students lead individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities through a variety of activities including creating meal kits, assembling birthday cake kits, making homemade dog biscuits, and helping in the garden and on the farm. Our 12th graders continued their partnerships with Habitat for Humanity and the Glen Cove Senior Center. They helped to build houses for those in need and interacted with the senior center members by serving lunch, spending time talking with and learning about some of the incredible Seniors in our community, playing board games, sharing in song through Karaoke, and performing for them.
    As part of the Portledge School Community Partnership Experience, (CPE), students are required to attend the service trips organized by Portledge and travel with Portledge School to and from their assigned trip location via transportation provided by the school. This year, our 9th graders will be traveling on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. The 10th, 11th, and 12th graders will be traveling on Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Look out for an updated Parent/Student Contract and any required Permission Slips in the Forms tab in myPortledge. Please be aware of the strict and tight deadlines we need to follow on behalf of our partner organizations. As such, keep an eye out for any emails pertaining to the CPE trips.
    Upon completion of the service trip, students will be expected to complete and turn in Reflection Form 1, which will be handed out by the trip chaperones before returning to campus. At the end of the school year, student report cards will indicate whether or not students have met this requirement via a Pass/Fail notation. Students will receive a “P” indicating that they did meet the requirement, or an “F” indicating that they did not meet the requirement or make it up.
    Students are welcome and encouraged to exceed the service requirement and may do so at organizations that have been approved by the CPE coordinator. Upon completion of the service, students must thoroughly fill out Reflection Form 2, and have it signed by a parent and a point person from the partnership before turning it in. Once the form has been turned in and the experience has been confirmed by the CPE coordinator, the hours will be logged, so long as the student fulfills the Portledge Trip requirement. See the CPE expectations below.  

    All forms must be submitted and approved by Tuesday, May 6, 2025, to earn the additional service notation.
    Summer hours are not guaranteed, though volunteering over the summer is always encouraged. At the start of the 2024-2025 school year, students should schedule a meeting with the CPE coordinator to discuss their summer experiences. Should summer hours be approved, students must thoroughly fill out Reflection Form 2 and have it signed by a parent and a point person from the partnership before turning it in. Once the form has been turned in and the experience has been confirmed by the CPE coordinator, the hours will be logged, so long as the student fulfills the Portledge Trip requirement. 

    All forms must be submitted and approved by Tuesday, May 6, 2025, to earn the additional service notation.
    Please take some time to look through the CPE Resources. You can find all of the updates and information in myPortledge by going to Resources, clicking on Upper School Resources, and then scrolling down to Community Partnership Experience. There you will find:
    Please feel free to reach out with any questions and continue having a wonderful summer!
  • 9th Grade Blairstown Information, Fall 2024

    Key Takeaways from this email:
    • Each 9th grader will soon hear from the Peer Leader that has been assigned to them. The Peer Leader will be there to answer any questions, no matter how big or small, that you may have.

    • Schedules are available on myPortledge. If you are new to Portledge and don't yet have a Portledge email account, then your parents can access the information. 

    • The long-standing, traditional 9th-grade Trip to Blairstown is on Wednesday, Sept. 18 - Friday, Sept. 20.
      • A Permission Form and further details will be sent in a future notice - be on the lookout for that.
      • Please complete this Health Form by Sunday, Aug. 25th
      • There will be a virtual meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5, at 6:30 p.m. Use this link to join the meeting.
      • Here is a sample calendar and suggested packing list for the trip.

    • Don't forget to check out your summer learning & reading.
    Dear Class of 2028 Students & Families, 

    Welcome to Portledge Upper School

    The Upper School Dean Team is eagerly awaiting your arrival and can’t wait to see you on campus and in person. We hope you are enjoying your well-deserved summer, embracing the sunshine, spending quality time with family and friends, and enjoying many enriching and meaningful experiences.
    We have been planning many exciting activities, digging into your schedules and academic choices, as well as gaining a bit of insight into the things we are aware of that interest you to date. Our goal is to build positive relationships with all of you - individually and as a community member - as we embark on our Upper School Experience together.
    You are bound to be having many emotions as you embrace this new journey. Whether you have been a member of the Portledge Community for years or are coming from another school, you are hopefully feeling as excited as we are. If you are a little nervous, that’s okay! We are all in this together.
    Each one of you will soon hear from one of our fabulous Peer Leaders who has been assigned personally to you! They are some of our most knowledgeable, passionate, and friendly students and will serve as a confidant, resource, and friend who can answer any questions you may have, no matter how big or how small. Please feel free to rely on them. They are excited to meet you and bring you into the Portledge Upper School fold!
    Many of you have already been assigned your emails and information to gain access to your portal in myPortledge, where you are now able to see your Dean assignment and schedule. Those of you who are new to Portledge will gain access to your student email by mid-August. For now, you may rely on your parents/guardians to gain access to your schedule and assignments. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at any time via our email links below. We will respond as soon as we are able to.
    One of our first endeavors is planning our annual 9th-grade class trip to Blairstown, NJ, from Wednesday, September 18 - Friday, September 20. Blairstown has been a Portledge tradition for almost forty years now. During the three days, our 9th graders participate in trust exercises and other bonding experiences while camping and create memories that will last a lifetime. Please note: Parents will receive an email notice under separate cover with the details and a Permission Request form for their child to attend. Please be sure to look out for it and complete it as soon as possible.
    In addition, please complete the Health Survey Form for this trip no later than Sunday, August 25. Lastly, we will also host a virtual meeting on September 5, at 6:30 pm. Please use this link to join the meeting.
    Click on the links to see a sample calendar and a suggested packing list.
    More details will follow, including a rough estimate of the activity fee for the trip, but for now, get ready to meet your classmates, have a lot of fun, delve into who you are, and think about how you want to represent and uplift your Portledge Community.
    Please enjoy every minute of your remaining time this summer and don’t forget to check out your summer reading and work list - we would be remiss not to mention that! Please see this link for details.
    Sending you our very best summer wishes,
  • 5/6 Fall Sports 2024-2025

    Dear 5th & 6th Grade families,

    For those of you I haven’t had a chance to meet yet, my name is Isaac Middleton IV, the Associate Athletic Director for Middle School. I am excited to announce that Middle School fall sports practices will begin on Tuesday, September 3, for our 5th & 6th grade Boys and Girls Soccer teams. 

    Please make sure your student-athlete has the following gear for every game and practice for our upcoming season:  
    • Portledge branded t-shirt or top for practice (Portledge sweaters and sweatpants can be worn in colder weather)
    • Portledge shorts
    • Cleats (all games and practices will be played on grass)
    • Sneakers for indoor practices when it rains
    • Shin guards 
    • Soccer socks
    • Water bottle for ALL games and practices
    All practices will occur during the day as a part of the school day. Wherever you see “PE'' on the daily schedule, this will represent practice time for your fall sport. You can find all the practice and game information on myPortledge. We will play four games this season, all of which will occur on a Tuesday or Thursday.

    Sports Health Update Forms (SHUF) will be available on Magnus by July 19 and must be completed before September 3. Failure to complete the SHUF by September 3 will mean the student-athlete cannot participate in sports. Additionally, Portledge student-athletes are required to have a yearly physical on file with the health care office to participate. For step-by-step instructions on how to access Magnus and how to complete the SHUF form, please see below:
    1. Please log onto myPortledge
      1. Go to the resource page (found at the top of the page)
      2. Click on the Magnus Health Link
    2. Starting July 22 the SHUF form which can be found on Magnus must be completed on Magnus
      1. Please log onto myPortledge
        1. Go to the resource page (found at the top of the page)
        2. Click on the Magnus Health Link
    Please note that all health forms must be completed within Magnus, and will not be accepted via email.
    Should you have any questions, please let me know directly.
  • 7/8 Fall Sports 2024-2025

    Dear 7th & 8th Grade families,

    For those of you I haven’t had a chance to meet yet, my name is Isaac Middleton IV, the Associate Athletic Director for Middle School. I am excited to announce that Middle School fall sports practices will begin the week of Tuesday, September 3, for our 7th and 8th-grade teams. 
    Please make sure your student-athlete has the following gear for every game and practice for our upcoming season:  

    Boys & Girls Soccer:
    • Portledge branded t-shirt or top for practice (Portledge sweaters and sweatpants can be worn in colder weather)
    • Portledge shorts
    • Cleats (all games and practices will be played on grass)
    • Sneakers for indoor practices (when it rains)
    • Shin guards 
    • Soccer socks
    • Water bottle
    Co-Ed Volleyball: 
    • Portledge branded t-shirt or top for practice (Portledge sweaters and sweatpants can be worn in colder weather)
    • Portledge shorts
    • Knee Pads
    • Sneakers
    • Water Bottle
    Co-Ed Tennis: 
    • Tennis Racquet
    • Portledge branded t-shirt or top for practice (Portledge sweater and sweatpants are ok for colder weather)
    • Portledge shorts
    • Sneakers
    • Water Bottle
    • You will receive an email from the dance teacher regarding class needs and attire.
    All practices will occur during the day as a part of the school day. Wherever you see “PE'' on the daily schedule, this will represent practice time for your fall sport. You can find all the practice and game information on myPortledge. Co-ed volleyball will not have after-school games, while tennis and soccer will have games beginning at 3:30 p.m. on game days. 

    Sports Health Update Forms (SHUF) will be available on Magnus by July 19 and must be completed before September 3. Failure to complete the SHUF by September 3 will mean the student-athlete cannot participate in sports. Additionally, Portledge student-athletes are required to have a yearly physical on file with the health care office to participate. For step-by-step instructions on how to access Magnus and how to complete the SHUF form, please see below:
    1. Please log onto myPortledge
      1. Go to the resource page (found at the top of the page)
      2. Click on the Magnus Health Link
    2. Starting July 22 the SHUF form which can be found on Magnus must be completed on Magnus
      1. Please log onto myPortledge
        1. Go to the resource page (found at the top of the page)
        2. Click on the Magnus Health Link
    Should you have any questions, please let me know directly.

  • Founders Day STD

    Save the Date!
    Saturday, September 28th at 12 p.m.

    As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we are thrilled to announce a new format for Founders Day! Join us for a complimentary community event with music, kona ice, a few carnival rides and games, athletic competitions, and additional programming highlighting the Portledge experience!!
    Congratulations to the 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees who will be honored on Founders Day:
    Keith Merkler ’89
    Alexandra Siwiec ’09
    Douglas Murray ’99
    Curt Sawyer
    The 1999 Boys’ Lacrosse Team
    If you have any questions, please let us know! We look forward to kicking off the school year and honoring 60 years of Portledge School with our entire community. 
    Portledge Development Office
  • 60th Teaser Video

    Dear Portledge Community,
    We are thrilled to kick off the Portledge School 60th Anniversary celebrations! Throughout the year, we will share a series of videos with you celebrating six decades of excellence and growth, beginning with the video below. We will also host various events to celebrate this landmark year, starting with Founders Day! Save the date for this annual community event with a new twist for 60 years: Saturday, September 28. Click here for more information. 
    Please visit and bookmark our 60th webpage to keep up with events and learn more about our history. Thank you for your continued partnership over the last 60 years. Whether you are a part of our storied past or our inspiring future, each of you has had a part in what has been a remarkable 60 years! 
    Check out our 60th anniversary spread and highlights from the 2023-2024 school year in the latest issue of The Crest!
    In Community, 
    Simon Owen-Williams
  • New Parent Cocktail Party, Aug 28

    Click on the image above to register
  • New Auxiliary Programs Director, Fall 2024

    Dear Parents and Guardians,
    We are pleased to announce that Jillian Machover has been appointed as the new Auxiliary Programs Director at Portledge School.
    With a background deeply rooted in arts education and administration, she brings extensive experience in teaching and program development to our school community. Jillian has a Masters in Educational Theatre and Communications and a BFA in Theatre Arts. Throughout Jillian’s career, she has curated and implemented a wide range of educational programs, fostering creativity and personal growth among students of all ages.
    As Auxiliary Programs Director, her main focus will be enhancing our students' educational journey by providing engaging after-school, break, and summer enrichment programs. Jillian is dedicated to creating opportunities that inspire and challenge our students, promoting a supportive environment where each child can thrive.
    As she begins to onboard into this new role, I ask that you please let us know what after-school, break, and summer programs you would like to see offered by filling out this quick survey.
    After 3 Club and After-School Enrichment
    You can preview our After-School Enrichment webpage here. Registration for the After 3 Club and the fall session of after-school enrichment is now open. Please feel free to contact Jillian with any questions or suggestions.
    In the meantime, please join me in welcoming Jillian Machover to our community; she looks forward to collaborating with you to enrich the educational experience for your children.
    Simon Owen-Williams
    Head of School
  • MS/US: Schedules 2024-2025

    Dear Middle & Upper School families,
    We hope that summer has been restorative and enjoyable thus far.
    We are pleased to communicate that daily schedules for all Middle and Upper School students are now available in myPortledge. All parents/guardians are now able to log into myPortledge to view student schedules and assigned Upper School Dean, browse advisor and course groupings, and generally get an overview of what the school year ahead will hold.
    Please note that returning students should use their existing myPortledge credentials to log in and view the items above. Students new to Portledge, however, will have to rely on their parents/guardians for access to myPortledge until those students receive their own login credentials in mid-August.
    **Schedules for any new-to-Portledge students who have yet to take placement tests in world language will almost certainly shift at whatever point those placement tests are taken and scored.
    Similarly, any students (new or returning) who are completing summer courses in order to move ahead in a curricular area will likely see a schedule that reflects what the case would be if the work/course were not to be completed. Once the work/course is verified as completed successfully, those students’ schedules will change to reflect the appropriate curricular advancements.
    Students whose accommodations entitle them to Resource Room should expect schedule changes to incorporate those Resource Room sessions from mid-August to late September once our Resource Room teachers/providers are officially contracted and on-site. Questions regarding Resource Room or other accommodations should be directed to Ms. Stephanie Heins, our Lead Psychologist (sheins@portledge.org). 
    There may still be a few sections of classes and groups at both the Middle and Upper School levels that are missing either a teacher or an officially assigned classroom. This is normal for this point of the school year, and nothing to be concerned about. In the next few weeks, those gaps will be filled appropriately.
    Returning Upper School Students may notice that they are programmed for two lunch periods a day as opposed to one. This is only the case because, on any given day, one of the lunch periods may conflict with one of their class periods. If there is such a conflict, the other lunch period will not have a conflict. Upper Schoolers should attend lunch each day during the lunch period that has no conflicts. If they are free during both assigned lunch periods, they should feel free to pick the one they prefer on that day or stay for both.
    Any Middle School parents/guardians or students with questions or concerns should direct those to Ms. Amy Manzone (amanzone@portledge.org). 
    Any Upper School parents/guardians or students with questions or concerns should direct those either to the student’s assigned Upper School Dean or to schedulequestions@portledge.org. Upper School families, please note: if you wish to make any schedule changes before the first day of classes, you must contact the student’s Upper School Dean. Each student's Dean and/or advisor can be found by clicking on the student's name. This information will be listed in the top row next to their photo with their contact information. Once classes are underway, the student’s Upper School Dean is still the first point of contact, but schedule changes require the completion of an add/drop form and further consultation with a few other parties at the school. In other words, if you have questions or concerns or think a change might be needed, we encourage you to reach out to your Upper Schooler’s Dean as soon as you can!
    We will see you soon! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
    Mr. Francisco Lameiro and Ms. Shoshana Krieger-Joven
    Scheduling Coordinators
  • Magnus Health Portal, Summer 2024

    Dear Portledge Families, 
    Portledge School uses Magnus Health as its Student Medical Record (SMR) database. With this web-based system, we can provide secure and continuous access to your child’s health record, including making updates as needed.  As parents and guardians, you and our nurses will have access to medical information. Administrators, teachers, and coaches will have limited access to information that would be necessary during a medical emergency.
    All forms must be submitted before the start of school
    Parents and guardians of students new to Portledge School must submit a New York State Medical Examination form (physical) and immunization records. Parents and guardians of returning students will be informed individually when physicals and immunization updates are required. 
    While you are logged into Magnus, please take a moment to update the conditional questions, the vital health record, and most importantly the permission to treat for the upcoming school year. Our school nurses can not treat your child if this checklist item is not updated for the 2024/2025 school year. Please do not bring any paper forms back to school. The below documents can be uploaded to Magnus:
    • Annual Physical 
    • Immunization Record - up to date, including required immunizations for the 2024/2025 school year.
    • Any Medication Permission Request Forms (for all medications that will be present in school (signed by a physician and a parent)
    • Action Plan - if applicable - for students with asthma, food allergies, diabetes or seizures.
    All interscholastic athletes must have a New York State Medical Examination form (physical) on file that is less than one year old and complete a Sports Health Update Form (SHUF) within 30 days of preseason, August 19, 2024. The Sports Health Update Form can be found in the Magnus Health Portal and is now available for completion.
    How to log in
    To access the Magnus Health account, log in to the myPortledge portal, click on Resources, then the Magnus Health link tile. While in Magnus, please click “Fill it out” to complete the forms that are due.  Please take note of the due dates of valid requirements.
    Questions or Problems
    If you are having difficulty navigating the Magnus system, entering data online, or downloading the hardcopy cover sheets and forms, or if you have any other questions, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by phone at
    (877) 461-6831 or by email at service@magnushealthportal.com
    Also, please feel free to consult the Magnus Health Community page for Parents and the Privacy and Security page
    Thank you for your patience and participation as we enhance this program. 
    Portledge Health Office
  • Athletics Pre-Season Information Summer 2024

    Dear Families & Portledge Student-Athletes,
    Pre-season is around the corner! Below you will find the official details of the 2024 Portledge Athletics Fall Pre-season. This includes information for Girls' Soccer, Boys' Soccer, Girls' Volleyball, Girls' Tennis, and Cross Country. 

    Pre-season is for Upper School teams and select 7th and 8th graders who are interested in attempting to play up and pass their Athletic Placement Performance (APP) test. Find out more about the APP here.

    You are required to attend all pre-season practices and competitions in order to compete on these varsity teams. It is a requirement by our governing body, NYSAIS, that each team and its members complete a certain number of practices before they can compete in their first interscholastic contest. The required number varies by sport.  
    Pre-season Information
    1. We would prefer not to make cuts, but there may be instances where we have to make cuts given the size of our teams. Currently, our boys' soccer program and girls' tennis program have a large number of students trying out, which may lead to cuts. If we do make cuts for any team, they will be made by the end of the first week of pre-season. 

    2. All athletes should arrive 15-30 minutes prior to practice to make sure they are prepared to play and to receive any relevant athletic training care from the Portledge trainer

    3. Portledge student-athletes are required to have a yearly physical on file with the health care office to participate and complete the SHUF found on myPortledge
      • Please log onto myPortledge
        • Go to the resource page (found at the top of the page)
        • Click on the Magnus Health Link
        • Upload the completed physical exam form
        • Complete the SHUF. Starting July 19th the SHUF form which can be found on Magnus must be completed via Magnus before the start of pre-season.

    4. A full schedule of practices, games, and coach information for each team can be found on myPortledge. To view the schedule, please log in to myPortledge and click on Calendar in the top navigation bar. From there, you can select the games/practices calendar for your student-athlete on the left-side navigation.

    5. MEDIA DAY, Tuesday, August 27th starting at 9:00 a.m.
      • We will take team photos in uniform
      • Individual photos as needed (Seniors, potential captains, etc.)
      • If you are not there you will be listed in the yearbook but we will not be retaking the team picture.
      • Practices will start directly after media day is completed.
    If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us right away.
    Thank you, 

    Boys' Soccer
    (Upper Field)
    • Week 1: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd.
      Practice 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
      • At an appropriate time, teams will be split into Varsity and JV teams and cuts will be made if needed
    • Week 2: Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th.
      Practice Monday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday, August 27th, Media Day 9:00 a.m. then Practice from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Wednesday, August 28th, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
      Scrimmages vs. Christ the King, Berkeley Carroll, and JV Soccer
    Girls' Soccer
    (Lower Field)
    • Week 1: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd.
      Practice 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
      • Cuts will be made if needed
    • Week 2: Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th.
      Practice on Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Monday, August 26th, Scrimmage at St. Anthony’s 12:00 p.m. (Meet at St. Anthony’s at 11:00 a.m.)
    • Tuesday, August 27th, Media Day 9:00 a.m. then Practice from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Wednesday, August 28th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
      Scrimmages vs. Christ the King, Berkeley Carroll, and TBD
    Girls' Tennis
    (Tennis Courts)
    • Week 1: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd.
      Practice 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
      • Cuts will be made if needed
    • Week 2: Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th.
      Practice Monday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday, August 27th, Media Day 9:00 a.m. then Practice from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Wednesday, August 28th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scrimmages vs. Friends Seminary, and Berkeley Carroll
    Girls' Volleyball
    (Wellington Gym)
    • Week 1: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd.
      Practice 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
      • Cuts will be made if needed
    • Week 2: Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th
      • Practice Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday, August 27th, Media Day 9:00 a.m. then Practice from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Wednesday, August 28th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Scrimmages vs. Berkeley Carroll, Friends, and Christ the King
    Cross Country
    (Meet at Broxmeyer Field - first left on campus up the dirt road)
    • Week 1: Monday, August 19th - Friday, August 23rd.
      Practice 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Week 2: Monday, August 26th - Friday, August 30th.
      Practice Monday, Thursday, and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Tuesday, August 27th, Media Day 9:00 a.m. then Practice from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Wednesday, August 28th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. joint practice with Berkeley Carroll
  • ACT/SAT Accommodations 2024-2025

    Dear Portledge Upper School Families, 

    Portledge School students with a documented need for testing accommodations may be eligible for accommodations during standardized tests such as the AP, SAT, or ACT. If your child has a substantiated need for non-standard testing and has a current 504, IEP, or declassification document, they must go through an approval process that is unique to each testing agency. To apply for non-standard testing, the student or parents must submit a formal written request for accommodations and the required documentation. Portledge then submits this information to the relevant testing agency, which will then determine what accommodations they will offer.  

    Below, please find the test dates for the 2024–2025 school year for both College Board and ACT exams:

    College Board Exams:

    August 24th, 2024
    August 9th, 2024
    October 5th, 2024
    September 20th, 2024
    November 2nd, 2024
    October 18th, 2024
    December 7th, 2024
    November 22nd, 2024
    March 8th, 2025
    February 21st, 2025
    May 3rd, 2025
    April 18th, 2025
    June 7th, 2025
    May 22nd, 2025
    (AP’s will be done through individual classes)

    October 11, 2024
    July 15, 2024

    These testing agencies have firm, non-negotiable deadlines, and because the application process can be time-intensive, all requests and documentation must be submitted to Portledge before the deadline.

    Please make particular note that the deadline for the October PSAT, which is administered to all 10th and 11th-grade students, is July 15, 2024. This will allow us the time necessary to make the application before the summer break. If you know that your child will sit for an SAT or SAT subject test in the fall, please contact us prior to the summer break so that we may make the application and secure the accommodations in advance.

    (Please note that the ACT has released the 2024-2025) test dates; however, registration for these exams will begin in July 2024. If your child requires accommodations and plans to sit for the September 12 exam please contact Stephanie Heins for further assistance in the summer months, please be prepared to provide the necessary documents (ie. IEP, 504 Accommodation Plan, Doctor Letter, etc.)

    September 14th, 2024
    August 9th, 2024
    October 26th, 2024
    September 20th, 2024
    December 14th, 2024
    November 8th, 2024
    February 8th, 2025
    January 3rd, 2025
    April 5th, 2025
    February 28th, 2025
    June 14th, 2025
    May 9th, 2025
    July 12th, 2025**
    June 6th, 2025
    **There are no test centers scheduled in New York during  July, nor are we permitted to provide school-based testing for these exams. 

    I have included the links to relevant documents from the College Board and ACT to assist in answering any questions you may have. You are also free to contact me via email or phone at any time. 

    Thank you for your cooperation. 

    School Psychologist
  • Health Requirements for 2024-2025

    Dear Parents,
    Nursing Office Reminders for the 2024- 2025 school year:
    • Portledge requires an annual health exam. Please upload this health exam to the Magnus Portal. If you have questions please review the Magnus Health account instructions. It is recommended you use Google Chrome Browser. A laptop/desktop works better than a mobile device.

    • All students must have up-to-date immunizations as per New York State law. Portledge risks fines for all non-compliant students.

      • New York State requires all students entering sixth grade for the 2024 - 2025 school year to have the T-dap Vaccine. Please contact your child's physician to ensure that the child receives this vaccine prior to September 2024.

      • New York State requires all students entering seventh grade for the 2024 - 2025 school year to have the Meningococcal Vaccine. Please contact your child's physician to ensure that the child receives this vaccine prior to September 2024.

      • New York State requires all students entering eleventh grade for the 2024 - 2025 school year to have a second Meningococcal Vaccine. Please contact your child's physician to ensure that the child receives this vaccine prior to September 2024.

    • All medication for the 2024–2025 school year must be in the original container with a medication permission form filled out and signed by a doctor as well as a parent. Please be sure to have the doctor check off the box for self-carry if your student will be carrying emergency medication such as an inhaler or Epi-pen. A parent must sign the self-carry section as well. All medication orders must be uploaded to the Magnus Portal for review.

    • All students participating in sports must fill out the sports permission form prior to the season commencing. This allows the coach to be aware of any changes from the health exam.

    • During the school year grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11 will be screened for hearing and vision as per New York State procedure. Please notify the health office if you do not wish your child to be screened.

    • Portledge has many overnight class trips. All medication on overnight trips must be in the original container with a medical permission form filled out by a doctor and signed by a parent.
    Thank you so much for all your help with these reminders. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
    Liz Cayli
    Portledge Upper School Nurse
  • PSAT Notification, Summer 2024

    Dear 10th- & 11th-Grade Students, Parents & Guardians,
    At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 9, students will be able to sit for the PSAT/NMSQT at Portledge. Students who test with us on that date will receive details regarding where on campus they will have their test administered and other pertinent information at a later date. 
    All current 10th and 11th-grade students are expected to take this test. Taking the PSAT is a low-stakes way for students to ease into the college process with greater understanding and preparation. The PSAT Score Report helps students identify their proficiency levels in evidence-based reading, writing, and math problem-solving skills.
    The deadline for students to register for the test is Tuesday, September 3. In order to do so, parents/guardians must navigate to https://aptsusa.com/portledge/ and select PSAT/NMSQT, follow the prompts, and remit payment. The cost of the exam is $30. Any parents/guardians of students for whom the fee may present a barrier should contact Ms. Heins, and she will provide them with further information. Information regarding late registration, fees, and cancellations is detailed within the registration portal. Any parents or guardians of 10th- or 11th-grade students who wish to opt out of testing must let Ms. Heins know as soon as possible via email (sheins@portlege.org). The deadline to opt-out is also Tuesday, September 3.
    The PSAT is 2 hours and 45 minutes long and contains two sections: Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math. PSAT scores will be available online, typically by mid-November, and are NOT reported to colleges or required in the college process. Scores from the junior year are used for National Merit Scholarship Qualification (NMSQT). The PSAT/NMSQT is an electronic, digital exam. If you are not familiar with digital testing or the PSAT, we have provided links below to better understand the digital examination process.
    Preparing for this exam requires setting up an account with the College Board. Here, you can find resources and keep track of your exams, which may be useful later in your academic career when you sign up to take the SAT or any AP classes. After registering for the exam and completing the College Board sign-up, you will have to download and set up the BlueBook application from the College Board. This is the application you will use on your personal computer to take the exams. The digital examination will require you to bring in a fully-charged laptop. On the day of the exam, you will bring in your device, fully charged, and your charger. The school will not provide you with a device if you come unprepared for the exam. 
    As we get closer to the date of the exam, more details will be communicated; in addition, participating students will be briefed on requirements, expectations, and exam setup in the weeks leading up to the PSAT/NMSQT.
    Please check the following links below from the College Board to understand more about and better prepare for the PSAT/ NMSQT:
    Once again, to register, please navigate to and select PSAT/NMSQT, follow the prompts, and remit payment by Tuesday, September 3, 2024. If you have any questions regarding this communication or its contents, please feel free to contact Ms. Heins at your convenience.
    Testing Coordinator & Lead Psychologist
  • Athletic Placement Process for 7th & 8th Grade

    Dear families, 
    The 2023-2024 school year is coming to a close and with that means pre-season for fall 2024 sports is right around the corner. Mandatory pre-season practices begin on Monday, August 19th! With that said, any 7th or 8th-grade student-athlete who would like to try out for an Upper School team must go through our Athletic Placement Process.
    This is a two-part process. The first is a physical done by your child's physician to ensure they are mature enough to participate on an Upper School level team and receive a Tanner score. The second part is a fitness test that consists of a 1-mile timed run, pushups, sit-ups, a sit-and-reach flexibility test, and a shuttle run. 
    Before a student can participate in the fitness test, they must have a parent permission form signed (linked here) and also have their doctor fill out this form (linked hereprior to the APP testing date. 
    We will be conducting the APP fitness test on Upper Field on Thursday, July 18th, and again on Thursday, August 15th. The test will begin at 10:00 a.m. each day. You DO NOT need to come to both dates if you pass the test. We will let the student-athlete know if they passed after the test is finished. Attached here are the score requirements to pass (HERE - Page 33). 
    Please note if you have already taken the APP test and passed, you do not have to retake the test; your child can try out for their respective team. If you haven't done so already, please let me know which sport your child intends to try out for.
    Also, if you are trying out for a sport that is not in the fall, you do not need to test on these dates if you cannot attend. We will do APP testing again before each season and send out dates as we get closer to the start of the season. 
    As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
    Mr. Kapps
  • 6th/7th Grade Athletics Options

    Dear 6th & 7th Grade Families, 

    We hope that your summer is off to a wonderful start! As we begin to organize schedules and populate rosters for the 2024-2025 school year, please click here to complete the Middle School Athletics survey. Your participation and responses will help us provide you with direct information in the coming weeks and enhance your child’s Portledge experience.

    If you have any questions, you can contact the Athletic Department at amulligan@portledge.org and imiddleton@portledge.org

    Thank you,
    Portledge Middle School & Portledge Athletics

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